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Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates

Foreign exchange rate

Flag of AustraliaAUDAustralian Dollar2.2155112.436711
Flag of BahrainBHDBahraini Dinar9.6349819.851981
Flag of CanadaCADCanadian Dollar2.4926972.618097
Flag of SwitzerlandCHFSwiss Franc4.0051254.278125
Flag of DenmarkDKKDanish Kroner0.513010.55061
Flag of EgyptEGPEgypt Pounds0.0667740.078174
Flag of the Europenan UnionEUREuro3.8039244.130124
Flag of the United KingdomGBPBritish Pound4.5622284.903828
Flag of Hong KongHKDHong Kong Dollar0.4622120.482812
Flag of IndiaINRIndian Rupee0.040870.04347
Flag of JordanJODJordanian Dinar5.0624565.289856
Flag of JapanJPYJapanese Yen0.0238830.025883
Flag of KuwaitKWDKuwati Dinar11.73579912.098599
Flag of Sri LankaLKRSri Lankan Rupee0.0120280.012828
Flag of MoroccoMADMoroccan Dirham0.3598450.393445
Flag of NorwayNOKNorwegian Kroner0.3268910.349891
Flag of New ZealandNZDNew Zealand Dollar2.0100162.204016
Flag of OmanOMROmani Riyal9.4396559.641855
Flag of the PhilippinesPHPPhilippine Peso0.0625790.065579
Flag of PakistanPKRPakistan Rupee0.0127270.013527
Flag of Saudi ArabiaSARSaudi Riyal0.9665580.991958
Flag of SwedenSEKSwedish Kroner0.3468360.376636
Flag of SingaporeSGDSingapore Dollar2.6913562.820556
Flag of ThailandTHBThai Baht0.104110.11371
Flag of the United States of AmericaUSDU.S.Dollar3.6533.693
Flag of South AfricaZARSouth Africa Rand0.1937710.207371
Last updated date: 06 March, 2025 06:04:18 pm

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