As part of our commitment to sustainability, it is essential that we form positive relationships with our stakeholders and promote constant engagement.
We recognise that by working in partnership we can achieve greater results and impact on issues of importance. These partnerships and alliances address issues such as social and community, the environment and the economy in the UAE, the countries where we have a presence and in locations where we believe we can make a difference.
We both support and participate in national councils and committees which include:

Alliances and Coalitions
By engaging with our stakeholders, we can better understand and act on their material concerns and requirements as they align to our core business.
We form alliances and coalitions with stakeholders who can help us achieve positive social and environmental results.

Stakeholder Materiality Assessment Overview
- Responsible lending and investing
- Governance, business ethics and compliance
- Business continuity
- Employee wellbeing
- Socially responsible procurement
- Financial inclusion and accessibility
- Systemic risk management
- Talent attraction and retention
- Learning and development
- Digitalisation
- Customer privacy and data security
- Diversity and inclusion
- Community investment and socio-economic development
- Emiratisation
- Customer experience
- Disruptive innovation
- Direct environmental impacts of operations
- Anti-money laundering and anti-corruption
- Financial performance

Summary & Findings
The influence of COVID 19 is evident as a result of the increase in topics such as:
- Employee Wellbeing
- Digitalisation
- Diversity & Inclusion
Responsible lending and investing has gained prominence thanks to an increased awareness about its importance and the launch of FAB’s sustainable finance products.
Anti money laundering and corruption had the biggest drop in terms of level of importance, some reasons may be:
- The topic was not commonly reported in other banks, likely as it may fall under the wider groups of 'conduct' and 'governance'
- Stakeholders may feel FAB is already well versed in this topic and didn't regard it as important as some of the others
FAB conducts materiality assessments, in accordance with the principles developed by the Global Reporting Index (GRI). The objective of this exercise is to determine which environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics are most material to FAB. Results of our materiality assessments can be found in our annual ESG Reports.