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Business Islamic Banking

Islamic Business Banking

Committed to providing Shariah compliant products and services that are tailored to meet our customers’ needs

What we offer

From regular trading to project finance and specialised, niche products and services, we have extensive knowledge of the Islamic financial landscape.

Our services include:

  • Node Minus Alt
    ‘Istisna’ and ‘ijara’ contracts for work and forward leasing in real estate construction
  • OR
  • Node Minus Alt
    LME Murabaha: a Shariah Compliant personal finance product
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  • Node Minus Alt
    Purchase and lease: a Shariah Compliant product for purchasing real estate assets from the developer and leasing them to the client
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  • Node Minus Alt
    Purchase and lease-back: a Shariah Compliant product for purchasing real estate assets from clients and leasing them back to the client
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We are committed to providing:

  • Node Minus Alt
    Shariah Compliant products and services that are sustainable, transparent and reliable
  • OR
  • Node Minus Alt
    Knowledgeable relationship managers who provide guidance and help our clients make strategic decisions about their finances
  • OR

Get in touch

Need more help?

Contact us anytime for further assistance or check out our FAQ page for more information.