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Foreign exchange rate

Flag of the UAEAEDEmirates Dirham 0.2080570.212381
Flag of AustraliaAUDAustralian Dollar0.4757960.49614
Flag of BahrainBHDBahraini Dinar2.007172.090337
Flag of CanadaCADCanadian Dollar0.5334520.544801
Flag of SwitzerlandCHFSwiss Franc0.8619160.891967
Flag of DenmarkDKKDanish Kroner0.111220.112948
Flag of EgyptEGPEgypt Pounds0.0152650.015269
Flag of the Europenan UnionEUREuro0.8261120.846383
Flag of Hong KongHKDHong Kong Dollar0.0982930.100239
Flag of JordanJODJordanian Dinar1.0788291.099222
Flag of JapanJPYJapanese Yen0.005120.005172
Flag of KuwaitKWDKuwati Dinar2.4446342.567983
Flag of LibyaLYDLibyan Dinar0.1595190.159765
Flag of MoroccoMADMoroccan Dirham0.0802070.080151
Flag of NorwayNOKNorwegian Kroner0.0734440.074162
Flag of New ZealandNZDNew Zealand Dollar0.4318710.452205
Flag of OmanOMROmani Riyal1.966382.046124
Flag of PolandPLNPolish Zloty0.1981520.202063
Flag of Saudi ArabiaSARSaudi Riyal0.2037580.207936
Flag of SwedenSEKSwedish Kroner0.0767770.077699
Flag of SingaporeSGDSingapore Dollar0.5695340.582367
Flag of the United States of AmericaUSDU.S.Dollar0.7662250.777968
Flag of South AfricaZARSouth Africa Rand0.0416980.042269
Last updated date: 28 March, 2025 07:33:46 pm

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