Terms and Conditions
- Minimum and maximum Booking TAT – Two Clear
Days minimum and three months maximum
- Confirmation TAT – 24-48 hours
- Delivery person assignment – three to four hours
prior to the time of pick-up
- Courier service is available between 9.00am and
6.00pm from Monday to Saturday. Any request
scheduled for non-working hours will be honoured
the next day during working hours.
- Only documents up to 500 grams will be accepted
for delivery. The delivery will be refused if the
contents are not documents.
- Delivery will be within the city limits.
- Service will be actioned only if documents are
provided in a sealed envelope with the name,
address and contact number of both the sender
and the receiver clearly mentioned on the
- If the document is not accepted for delivery by
the receiver, the attempt will still be counted as a
- If, at any pick-up or drop off, the customer asks
the delivery person to wait for more than 15
minutes, the order will automatically be
rescheduled for the next working day.