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Islamic Investment Deposit Account

Invest in funds with different tenors serving your needs


  • If you invest in this product, your investment is subject to loss (in part or in full). The amount invested is not guaranteed by the Bank
  • You should be prepared to invest for the full term of the investment tenor chosen. You could lose part or all of your investment if you choose to make an early withdrawal prior to maturity, and incur applicable early redemption fees (if any)
  • Past profit distribution published is indicative of the performance of the investment account and it is not a reliable guide for future performance


Shariah compliant Investment Deposits are structured based on the Shariah concepts of Wakalah (Islamic Term Deposit (Wakalah)) or Mudarabah (Islamic Term Deposit (Mudarabah))

The Islamic Term Deposit account is a profit-bearing investment account and the funds deposited into the Islamic Term Deposit are not guaranteed by the bank

Islamic Term Deposit (Wakalah) - Profit is paid based on an agreed anticipated profit rates, subject to the performance of the investment

Islamic Term Deposit (Mudarabah) - Profit is distributed based on an agreed profit-sharing ratio and subject to the performance of the investment

Investment periods ranging from 1 to 12 months

Flexible profit reaping options:

Receive the profits at maturity and renewing the capital over an additional period

Receive both the capital & profits at maturity

  • Node Minus Alt
    Minimum deposit for Wakalah deposit is AED 500,000 and for Mudarabah deposit is AED 10,000
  • OR
  • Node Minus Alt
    Available for UAE nationals and residents
  • OR
  • Node Minus Alt
    Copy of a valid passport and Emirates ID (originals must also be presented)
  • OR
  • Node Minus Alt
    Copy of a valid UAE residence visa (for expatriates, original must also be presented)
  • OR
Note: Additional documents may be required on a case-by-case basis

Historical profit rates distribution

Short Term Deposit (STI) Tenure Mudarabah Profit Rate Distributed (Jan'24) Mudarabah Profit Rate Distributed (Feb’24) Mudarabah Profit Rate Distributed (Mar’24) Mudarabah Profit Rate Distributed (Apr’24)
1 Month STI AED Deposit 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.94%
3 Month STI AED Deposit 1.04% 1.04% 1.04% 1.04%
6 Month STI AED Deposit 1.21% 1.20% 1.20% 1.21%
9 Month STI AED Deposit 1.30% 1.30% 1.30% 1.29%
12 Month STI AED Deposit 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.49%
  • The above are the actual Mudarabah profit distribution rates and are indicative rates for the current month. Profit distribution rates in future months may vary
  • The profit is distributed monthly
  • The minimum holding period to earn profit for Wakalah deposit is 7 days and for Mudarabah deposit is 1 month
  • To view the historical profit rate distribution for previous years, click here

*General Terms & Conditions and Islamic Investment & Savings Account Schedule apply.

*Features are subject to alteration/cancellation

**Eligibility criteria are subject to change from time to time

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